About Me

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Hello! I am a big health and fitness junkie and absolutely love this aspect of my life. I am a Registered Yoga Teacher and big time Crossfitter. I get my sweat on through Crossfit, Yoga, hiking and running mostly. I live in Phoenix and love the sun and love to play outdoors!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Balance and moderation

We discussed tonight the ideas of living life in moderation. What balances you?

Personally there are certain things in my life that are extremely grounding. Yoga helps. It's like the reset button that I can choose to press once a month or daily, if I so choose to allow myself the time for my individual need and desire for it. It's also the little things, like coming home to my cuddly dog, Izzy. The days when she's away ( my parents and I have joint custody over our furry children), certainly have an impact on my day, mood, happiness. A simple hug from someone like my mom or in a pinch just my roommate.

What are appropriate levels of moderation? I feel like since I am in an intermediate stage in life that I find myself living in moderation without always thinking about it. I've noticed I've become a frequent designated driver whereas I used to be the girl in need of one. Trust me- I still know how to have fun, I have just learned the consequences and am opening myself up to the options of moderation.

In other aspects, I used to only do yoga. Now, I am showing moderation to my addictions by tackling more than one athletic hobby. Yoga and now marathon running. I am training for a half marathon and thus try to run at least 3 days a week for at least 5 miles a run.

How do you moderate yourself? What's your balance?